Thursday, October 24, 2013

New Job.....and Old Sewing Book...

Tomorrow I start a NEW part-time job.

About a year ago it was time to go out and find a part time job as my girl is facing some pretty hefty college bills (if things break her way and she goes to that expensive out of state private school). That job ended up being at a big box home improvement store. The job is okay, I can pick my hours, the pay is decent. I punch in and out and that is that. But lately I have been thinking how I don't really LIKE the job all that much and if something else came along, well, I might give it a go.

Then, last Friday out of blue from our locally owned Viking Sewing Machine dealer and sewing shop came the call out for an empolyee! Seriously, this is a job that speaks to me. Many years ago I sold things; cell phones, yellow pages, newspaper advertising, vitamins and even Dobermans! Selling a sewing machine, well, to borrow my favorite phrase, easy, peasy! And of course, one also gets to sell fabulous fabric, marvelous and so so handy sewing notions AND (here's the part I would not be able to resist) teach classes!! So, I applied for the job, had an interview and start tomorrow. Love, Love, Love. My friend Amy literally squealed with delight when she heard, "that is soooooo YOU!" I couldn't agree more. :)

Aside from my job soul searching and some serious sewing, time has allowed me to peruse my stash of old(er) sewing books. There is one that I keep going back to over and over and it is this:

Published in 1988 by the Simplicity Pattern Co.

The book has clear illustrations and good copy and is a wealth of sewing information. Sure, the 3 or so fashion patterns are a bit out of date EXCEPT for the fact that just today I came across a Kimono pattern from a current designer. And, I don't know, the dress they call a T dress in the book bears a resemblance to a very chic Angela Kane pattern. There is that adage that "fashion repeats itself", minus the shoulder pads. Judging by the skirt lengths this season (have you seen the recent Burda lineup?), I would have to agree.

A sampling of what's in the book:

Detailed fitting guide - have you ever seen that hip circle measurement shown on the right? I haven't.

Nothing makes me happier than a nice seam finish! How about you?

Serger info.

Lovely darts.

And so much more; handsewing, bands and ribbing (a must for knits), collars, interfacing, trims, ruffles and on and on!

The book is widely available on Etsy and at Amazon. I think it would be invaluable to a beginner but is great for an intermediate such as me as well.


  1. A job where you get to talk 'sewing' all day - my idea of heaven! ~ and I also love prowling through the older books, this one looks a beauty ... J

    1. My idea of heaven as well....I kept asking the owner of the shop on my first day. So....I get to sew while at work on one of these machines???? LOL. She kept saying yes!

  2. Congrats on your new job..What an excellent job.. The only problem, that I would have....I would spend my whole paycheck ,if I was in there where new fabric was every
    That looks like a really good book.

    1. haha. I have already been looking over all the notions. :) :)
