Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rockin' Along with Goodnight Irene

February is just flying by. Between prepping for College visits, attending long weekend  Debate tournaments and work it seems like the first of the year just rolled around yesterday. However, I KNOW that is not true, well....because the calendar says it is February 11th! I am sooo happy that on the very first weekend of this month I sat down at my machine and finished my February assignment for the Goodnight Irene SAL. And, just today did I have sunshine, a day off and time to take pictures of my progress!!

My Goodnight Irene will be twin(ish) sized so to be on track I needed to have 6 complete rows done by the end of the month. Yay, did that! I am sewing my blocks and rows together as I go along due to a BIG BIG fear that this quilt will not be completed in a timely manner (if at all), if I don't do so. I am okay if two identical 2 1/2" squares end up close together or heck even side by side! Equally okay if two of those small triangles end up lovin' each other. It does go against something in my nature but, I have decided to just let it go. :) My hope is to be all done by the time my son's wedding in May comes along.

By the way, are you loving this pattern as much as I am? It is so simple yet produces such lovely results. I have been visiting other's blogs and looking at their progress and every single one of their quilts is so lovely and beautiful. So impressed with all the talented quilters and sewers out there.

Just love this pattern. Am so happy I decided to SAL!